aromatherapy essentials
body, mind, & soul
+1 215-285-5453
bucks county, Pennsylvania
Camille Madeline Coffin
founder & creative Director

The Art of Aromatherapy:
~past & present~
the use of essential oils began around the year 4000 BC. however, the term aromatherapy was not invented until 1937. French Chemist, Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, coined this word after he discovered the connection between lavender oil and its healing power for skin burns. but even before its official naming, aromatherapy had already made a name for itself. it has been practiced all around the globe...for over 6000 years!
~greek mythology professed that their gods were gifted with the knowledge of fragrance and as such they used the oils as perfume.
~the Chinese utilized the oils for medicinal purposes and in religious ceremonies.
~the Egyptians chose to approach the usage of the oils from a beauty perspective.
today, we’re still finding an abundance of ways to include the essential oils in our lives. we add them to diffusers, to cleaning products, and most importantly—to wax—so we may inhale a lovely fragrance that someone captured in the candle jar. the essential oils present us with an infinite amount of useful possibilities.
while there are experts who are licensed to practice Aromatherapy for medicinal purposes, I’m an essential oil ‘Aroma Artist’. this means I’ve chosen to tap into my creativity, in order to bring you captivating fragrances, thoughtfully wrapped in beautiful packaging. while I’ll provide you with some suggestions as to how to use my products, the ultimate choice is yours. use your imagination; run with your creativity. then, if you will, please circle back to share your thoughts and your ideas with me. but above all, it’s my hope that you’ll experience and enjoy—the magical touch of:
Heaven on Earth